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 Since 1974, I have lived a life close to nature. As  a young boy, first in the Highveld of South Africa.


Fishing and camping was all I lived for as a youth.

 I followed the stars and it took a Masters Degree in Astro-Physics, to find mine.

My soulmate Cornelia.

I left the academics behind and we  raised a family in the semi desert region of Boshoff in the Free State Province  of South Africa. This was a journey of 17 years.


Since 2014 we moved to the  wilderness of Manitoba, Canada.


I started making bow and arrows since I had the proper hand eye coordination. Those crude bend saplings with twine strings and reed arrows provided  me with countless hours hunting for rabbits, or in the case that I came across an evil king's castle, to lay siege upon such evil. (I have a very active imagination.)

I have journeyed through traditional archery and have made life long friends during this journey.


I no longer commercially manufacture Traditional Bows or arrows. It was a fantastic journey and it has come to end. No regrets.  The forging of knives has taken my interest now and I am quite enjoying this hobby in retirement. This together with fishing, hiking, skiing (in winter), gardening, writing and harvesting (hunting).

I approach my website like I do life. I try to see what the most basic necessities are for enjoying the outdoors. From the most fundamental philosophy to the most basic equipment.  I share with you the reader some of the knowledge I have gained and I share some stories too.

I hope you find my site informative and that you can gain something from it. I also invite you to share with me, your knowledge or experiences. I am an eternal scholar and know that there is so much to be learned and understood about Creation.

I still revisit my childhood memories and although the equipment have become a little more sophisticated than in my youth, those bend saplings are still close to my heart and I still rid the world of evil, monster dandelions, or the occasional were-rabbit.

God Bless and may you find a journey that touches your soul and uplifts those around you.

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