The Basic Survival Pack
The knowledge that you possess the ability to start a fire is probably one of the most comforting thoughts that you can take with you when you are outdoors. If you can supplement your knowledge with a small survival pack, well... I would say you could have a coffee with your sandwich while breaking from a morning hunt or hike.

Here is the basics that I have in my day pack:
Rope - good strong and about six feet long.
Old pill box with matches and a strike paper
Fire starter rod
Wetfire tinder. It has a 5 year shelf-life. Cotton balls also make excellent tinder.
Wet Ones antibacterial wipes
Whistle. This thing does not run on batteries and can safe your life.
Tree cutting cable
Heat blanket. This one is like a sleeping bag.
Kleenex. Don't ask
Yes that is fishing tackle and snare wire. It fits into a pill box and does not take up space.
Compass. Also no batteries required
Swiss Army knife (with tooth-pick) and Multi Tool
Water Bottle with a bucket and pouch. I have made many a warm beverages with this.
Snack bar.
This all fits into a easy carry bag for a day hunt or into a backpack, should the need arise.
Some additional stuff to consider.
Dehydrated food. A small pack of soup powder can make a grouse stew for lunch taste better. Instant coffee or a tea bag and some sugar makes for a welcome beverage.
Packed lunch. Sandwich, trail-mix, ext.
Anti-inflammatory and pain meds or if you require some life saving or prescription meds.
Flash-light or head lamp or Candle stub .
Hand warmers or extra pair of wool gloves.
Salt. Can be used to disinfect wounds and season food.
Sanitary pad. This is a must. It is designed to stop bleeding. It works. I have used it. It also makes good tinder.
You will be amazed in how small a pack all this can fit. It seems simple, but it will make your outdoor experience more comfortable and give you some peace of mind

A ruffed grouse for lunch.
The Most Important
Your most valuable piece of equipment is just above your shoulders, between your ears. Use it.
Always tell someone where you are going. At least in what area if not specific.
Learn to use your survival equipment. It is fun to do.
If, you are lost. STOP. Sit still and gather your thoughts. In the words of Douglas Adams: DON'T PANIC!
It is advisable, if it is safe, to remain where you are and not move until you have had time to assess your situation.
Calculate and over analyse every move you make. Every chore you do. Because you do not want to injure yourself. So move slow and deliberate.
Fire starter kit from a Science Fair project:
My youngest daughter wanted to do a fire starter kit for her grade 5 science fair project. After lots of research and experimentation (which was the fun part), she game up with a pocket-size, easy to use fire starting kit. It contains a few matches, a piece of striking paper and cotton balls. This all stuffed into a pill box. I have one in every vehicle, in my kayak and fishing tackle box.