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The Basic Survival Pack

The knowledge that you possess the  ability to start a fire is probably one of the most comforting thoughts that you can take with you when you are outdoors. If you can supplement your knowledge with a small survival pack, well... I would say you could have a coffee with your sandwich while breaking from a morning hunt or hike.


Here is the basics that I have in my day pack:

  • Rope - good strong and about six feet long.

  • Old pill box with matches and a strike paper

  • Fire starter rod

  • Wetfire  tinder. It has a 5 year shelf-life. Cotton balls also make excellent tinder.

  • Wet Ones antibacterial wipes

  • Whistle. This thing does not run on batteries and can safe your life.

  • Tree cutting cable

  • Heat blanket. This one is like a sleeping bag.

  • Kleenex. Don't ask

  • Yes that is fishing tackle and snare wire. It fits into a pill box and does not take up space.

  • Compass. Also no batteries required

  • Swiss Army knife (with tooth-pick) and Multi Tool

  • Water Bottle with a bucket and pouch. I have made many a warm beverages with this.

  • Snack bar.

This all fits into a easy carry bag for a day hunt or into a backpack, should the need arise.

Some additional stuff to consider.

  • Dehydrated food. A small pack of soup powder can make a  grouse stew for lunch taste better. Instant coffee or a tea bag and some sugar makes for a welcome beverage.

  • Packed lunch. Sandwich, trail-mix, ext. 

  • Anti-inflammatory and pain meds or if you require some life saving or prescription meds.

  • Flash-light or head lamp or Candle stub .

  • Hand warmers or extra pair of wool gloves.

  • Salt. Can be used to disinfect wounds and season food.

  • Sanitary pad. This is a must. It is designed to stop bleeding. It works. I have used it. It also makes good tinder.

You will be amazed in how small a pack all this can fit. It seems simple, but it will make your outdoor experience more comfortable and give you some peace of mind


A ruffed grouse for lunch. 

The Most Important

  • Your most valuable piece of equipment is just above your shoulders, between your ears. Use it.

  • Always tell someone where you are going. At least in what area if not specific.

  • Learn to use your survival equipment. It is fun to do.

  • If, you are lost. STOP. Sit still and gather your thoughts. In the words of Douglas Adams: DON'T PANIC!

  • It is advisable, if it is safe, to remain where you are and not move until you have had time to assess your situation.

  • Calculate and over analyse every move you make. Every chore you do. Because you do not want to injure yourself. So move slow and deliberate. 

Fire starter kit from a Science Fair project:

My youngest daughter wanted to do a fire starter kit for her grade 5 science fair project. After lots of research and experimentation (which was the fun part), she game up with a pocket-size, easy to use fire starting kit. It contains a few matches, a piece of striking paper and cotton balls. This all stuffed into a pill box. I have one in every vehicle, in my kayak and fishing tackle box. 

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